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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1699
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2024 .17 .7466
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 17،
number In Volume 7،
issue Number 101
Analyzing the narrative style of the Persian postmodern story based on the semiology model of Greimas (case study: The stories of Christian and the Kid and Shazde Ehtejab by Houshang Golshiri)
Maryam Mavaddat , Foroogh Kazemi (Author in Charge), Bahram Modarresi
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: one of the structuralist theorists, Algridas Julien Greimas, is a Lithuanian linguist who is known as one of the most famous theorists of semantics in the field of narrative. The aim of the present study is to investigate the semiotic of Greimas in two prominent works of Golshiri.
METHODOLOGY: The method of conducting the present research is descriptive-analytic based on library studies, which will be discussed and investigated based on Greimas" discursive semiology approach. In order to achieve the goals of the research, two stories of Christian and Kid and Shazde Ehtejab have been studied completely.
FINDINGS: The novel Christian and Kid and Shazde Ehtejab can be read from the perspective of Greimas"s model due to its complex narrative structure and postmodernist elements such as uncertainty, anachronism, and mixing the real world with the narrator"s (author"s) mental world.
CONCLUSION: Christian and Kid novel, with the author"s emphasis on the emotional, spiritual and inner aspects of the fictional characters, including the narrator and Christian, has made an approach of state (emotional) model well. In this novel, Golshiri"s emphasis and attention on emotional and sensory-perceptual factors has created a kind of emotional action between the narrator and Christian, and in the novel Shazde Ehtejab, functions and the author"s main emphasis is on showing the actions of the main actors, including the actors present in the story and the narrative chain of confrontation between these characters.
contemporary literature
, postmodern novel
, discursive semiology
, Houshang Golshiri
, Greimas.
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